8 tips for managing business finance

Keeping track of your business finance is critical, regardless of whether you run a small business or a large enterprise. Tracking financial metrics may be boring or tedious for some people, but it’s absolutely essential. Why? Because it enables you to know exactly what’s going on with your sales and expenses, and therefore make smarter […]

Non-bank finance

Getting access to adequate financing is often the biggest hurdle for entrepreneurs and existing business. A lack of finance constrains your operations and raises the risk of insolvency and other financial issues. As an entrepreneur or business owner seeking new financing, it’s time to expand your horizons and discover other exciting alternatives for financing your […]

Liquidation – the first step

Liquidation can be an option for companies experiencing financial difficulty, and it may be the last resort for companies that need to be wound up. In Australia, liquidation applies only to companies, and there are a few types of liquidation – each with different first steps. If your company is entering liquidation or you’re considering […]

Difference between Administration, Receivership or Liquidation

If you’re a business owner or company director, you’ve probably heard of terms such as receivership, administration, and liquidation, but what exactly do they mean? These concepts refer to specific stages for companies that are close to being or are insolvent, and that have entered a period of external administration. There are significant differences between […]

Myth of a Liquidation

Liquidation is the winding up of your business with assets sold to pay creditors. While it’s a final option for shutting down the business, for struggling businesses this step can come as relief. However, myths still persist about liquidation. If you’re considering liquidation as an option for your business, it’s vital to debunk these so you […]

Guide to a turnaround

Failure is the norm rather than the exception for businesses. The signs can be plain: the business isn’t expanding and you’re having trouble meeting financial obligations. Or the competition is getting intense in an oversaturated market. At this stage, acting quickly gives your business the best chance of recovering, avoiding mounting debt, and returning to profitability. There are […]

Creditor of a company in liquidation?

It’s not an enviable situation for anybody to be in, whether in their personal or business life; you’re owed money, and the person who needs to repay you can’t deliver it. If you’re trapped as a creditor in a situation where a business is winding down or has been liquidated, there are specific steps that […]

2018 in review

As we come to the end of the year, its been an interesting twelve months as we are seeing thing tightening up in terms of availability of finance, trading positions and the wider economic outlook. Hospitality Industry We have focused on this as an area of concern and are seeing more pressure as the banks have […]

Launch of our video platform

We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]

Preparing for liquidation

Liquidation Liquidation is the process of winding up a company and bringing the business to an end. Liquidation typically occurs when a company is insolvent. When a company is placed into liquidation, a liquidator is appointed. The liquidator’s role is to protect the assets of the company, realise the assets of the company, investigate the […]