New GST Rules for Property Developers From 1 July 2018, a Goods and Services Tax (“GST“) withholding obligation will be imposed on purchaser of certain residential premises, including certain vacant land. Purchaser must withhold the ‘GST component’ of the sale price of affected land and pay it directly to the Commissioner instead of the seller. Transitional rules may apply for […]

Detail of Personal Services Income (PSI)

What are the PSI Rules meant to do? The rules were designed to improve the integrity of the tax system by addressing both: The capacity of individuals and interposed entities providing the personal services of an individual to claim higher deductions than employees providing the same or similar services; and The alienation of personal services […]

GST basics for uber drivers

When you drive for Uber you are not an employee. You’re a contractor. Here’s why that is important: When you’re not an employee, you have to be careful that your tax affairs are managed correctly. The ATO’s Uber tax implications are straight-forward at a basic level: Any money you make driving for Uber counts as […]

Direct remitting to the ATO

Developers have recently felt the impact of the direct remittance of GST payments from buyers to the ATO. The consequence of this has been significant where the BAS lodgement history has been poor or where the GST planning has resulted in a significant liability at the end of the project. Where a developer is banking […]

Importance of lodging your BAS on time

You’re at the end of the quarter and are going to leave the BAS to later, why is this a bad thing? The timely lodgements of Business Account Statements’s (“BAS”) is one of the biggest risk for the operators of businesses and can turn a business debt into a personal debt. For businesses lodging late […]

Welcome to C&D Restructure

The team at C&D would like to welcome you to our website. Whilst the name is new the business remains the same. Lead by Craig Dangar, we continue to offer comprehensive support for our professional partners.