What is a preference payment?
Receiving a preference payment request can be a stress for a business where you have already suffered a loss, don’t ignore these notices.
What’s a Restructure?
A restructure is a shift in your business, usually to resolve a problem but more importantly to help things get better.
Signs your business is in trouble
The signs are there, if your business is struggling it is best to get on top of it before your difficulties become unrecoverable.
What to do with a wind up notice
If you have received a wind up notice the time is ticking, you need to get advice and act on it before it is too late.
Working with a liquidator during insolvency
Working with a liquidator can be difficult for a business owner, you need to step back from control and the liquidator is calling the shots. It is important to understand your obligations and that the liquidator is not working for you.
Understanding insolvency
Insolvency can be confronting for business owners. Here are some basics to understand what insolvency is.
Basic Terms We Use
We use a lot of shortened terms or acronyms, here is a simple guide of what we use.
What is happening in the small brewing sector
The brewing sector is under pressure from the perfect storm of financial impacts, if you are struggling in your business reach out, we have worked with several brewers with cash flow difficulties.
Welcome Back
It has been three years since we have been a standalone business it is great to be back. We welcome Pete as a partner of the firm.
Our process for working with you
We offer a comprehensive business planning and advisory service. Working for the long term we take time to understand your business, what you are wanting to achieve and how we can work with you.