Our guide for improving your business

Our guide to business covers the basics and gives you a roadmap to things to consider. It’s not a complete list but something to think about.
Green letter from the ATO

A green letter from the ATO is generally an information notification but don’t ignore the content as there may be things to improve your business.
The restructure process

A restructure is customed to your business, it runs through a map to get the best possible outcome. The restructure is to improve your business and achieve viability.
Orange Letter from the ATO

Getting an orange notice is an indicator that it’s time to review your tax situation, don’t let them turn red. Reach out to understand your options.
What is a preference payment?

Receiving a preference payment request can be a stress for a business where you have already suffered a loss, don’t ignore these notices.
What’s a Restructure?

A restructure is a shift in your business, usually to resolve a problem but more importantly to help things get better.
Receiving an ATO red letter

If you have received a red letter from the ATO, acting quickly is critical. It is important to understand your position, what you options are and more importantly take steps to fix the issue.
What is a personal guarantee?

Signing a personal guarantee can result in long term consequences, know what you are signing up to (and for). Don’t sign up for a personal guarantee without being well aware of what it is.
Signs your business is in trouble

The signs are there, if your business is struggling it is best to get on top of it before your difficulties become unrecoverable.
Why did you go into business?

Why did you go into business and are you achieving what you want from your business?