Greater Sydney Lockdown Set To Result 300,000 Job Losses

The significant amount of economic damaged caused by the covid-19 outbreak in Sydney is starting to show up in the national employment data, and is unfortunately beginning to spill over into over states. Figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) illustrate that across Australia, women are losing jobs at a faster rate than […]

4.6 Billion of JobKeeper Payments Went To Businesses That Increased Their Turnover

It has been revealed that billions of dollars’ worth of JobKeeper payments were distributed to businesses that increased their turnover at the peak of the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The Australian Government originally announced the $1,500 per fortnight wage subsidy in March 2020 when the economy shut down to combat the spread of the virus. […]

NSW and Victoria Government Boosts Support For Business

New South Wales and Victoria State Governments have both announced an increased level of business support measures to lessen the burden of recent state lockdowns, while the federal government has also increased its support for individuals as the covid-19 crisis continues to drag on. NSW Government Opens Applications For JobSaver On Monday 26th July, applications […]

Australia’s Unemployment Rate Drops Under 5 Percent For The First Time In A Decade

According to new figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australia’s unemployment rate has dropped to 4.8 percent, with just under 30,000 jobs being created in the month of June 2021. These figures indicate that the nation’s unemployment rate has now declined for eight consecutive months, taking the unemployment rate to its lowest level in […]

Employee Overtime Increased By 33 Percent In 2020

Recently published research has highlighted that overtime work increased in 33 percent of businesses across Australia over the last 12-month period. 59 percent of non-award staff were unpaid for their extra hours. Only 13 percent managed to decrease overtime over the past 12 months. Of those 33 percent of Australian business that increased overtime, 20 […]

Casual Workers Across Australia Are Left in Financial Limbo During Covid Lockdowns

Once again, a number of Australia’s biggest cities have been placed under new lockdowns, as a consequence of this, hundreds of thousands of casual workers across the country have been left without an income thus giving them an uncertain and anxious future. Some casual workers will receive a $500 crisis payment if their city’s lockdown […]

Important Information About The Superannuation Guarantee (SG)

For Australian workers the most common type of contribution regularly going into your super account is likely to be the Superannuation Guarantee – or SG for short – which is the contribution your employer is required to make into a super fund on your behalf. The SG is part of the remuneration you receive from […]

Government Announces New Support Measures For Victorians In Lockdown

On Thursday 15th July, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews both came to an agreement to offer support to Victorian workers located in the latest covid-19 hotspots who will lose income due to the new restrictions. Victorian workers who have lost between eight and less than 20 hours of work will receive […]

Job Vacancies Across Australia Increase by 57 Percent

As various parts of Australia are impacted by new outbreaks of covid-19, the latest job vacancy figures published by the ABS illustrate that job vacancies have risen by 57 percent in May 2021 compared with the figures released in February 2020. One of the major reasons for these labour statistics is the fact that there […]

The ATO Is Cracking Down On “Copy-Paste” Expense Claims

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has given a warning to taxpayers who choose to “copy-paste” work related expense claims, like those accumulated when travelling between work sites, or laundering uniforms, while they have been working from home.  Although the majority of Australians are doing the right thing, the ATO has reassured tax payers that the […]