The Federal Government recently announced that, as of 1 July 2018, downsizers aged 65 years or older may opt to contribute proceeds from the sale of their home (up to a total of $300,000 each) toward their super fund(s). Referred to as a downsizer contribution, it is treated as being non-concessional; existing in addition to the current maximum annual non-concessional contribution of $100,000 each (or $300,000, pursuant to the bring-forward rule). Any downsizer contribution will, however, count towards an individual’s transfer balance cap, which is $1.6 million for the 2018-19 financial year.

Those eligible to make downsizer contributions must meet all the following specifications:

An individual who has made a downsizer contribution toward their super fund is not required to purchase a new home. Multiple downsizer contributions from the proceeds of a single sale are allowed, so long as they do not collectively exceed $300,000 per owner (or, the total proceeds of the sale less any other downsizer contributions made by a spouse). Careful consideration should be given to possible taxation, estate planning, and Centrelink implications.

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