There are a number of business offering credit repair services some appear to be functional, but others don’t necessary cut the mustard. The service that they offer is generally to dispute a listing on the grounds of breach of reporting rules, invalidity of debt or any other grounds they can find.

Can you do it yourself?

The credit listing regime can be a mindful and for some people it is a daunting task, having help may be necessary.

What should you do first?

Order a credit rating and understand what’s there. If there are debts that you have not paid, then it is prudent to get in touch with the organisation and see if you can make a deal to pay the debt and have the listing removed.shutterstock_1140933797

If the debt is not yours or you don’t recognise it, it is important to contact the party listing it and get more details.

If there are judgments, these are very serious and it is bordering on impossible to have these removed as they are court judgments and on the public record. In these circumstances you are pretty limited in your options and may be better seeking legal advice.

Repairing your credit is an option if you are struggling to raise finance, but before signing up to a credit repair service understand the practicality of what is achievable and what it will cost. We don’t offer a credit repair service but can put you in touch with organisations that do.

More information? To find out more, give us a call on 1300 023 782 or email

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