In a recent survey, nine out of ten respondents reported cash flow issues impacted on revenue and one in five SMEs said they were unable to take on new work because of cash flow restrictions.

A solid cash flow allows your business to service debt, fund growth, and enjoy financial flexibility. The key to managing cash flow for any company, is to promptly follow up the funds coming in, while delaying expenses where reasonable.

Unfortunately, a large number of businesses especially start-ups, fail in Australia as owners fail to understand, or underestimate, the cash flow required to start and even stay in the business long-term.

Business owners may also find it very easy to confuse cash flow with profits. The total revenue may not necessarily mean all the cash has been collected. For example, if you make a sale of $100,000 but the customer has not paid this debt as yet, we would still need to record it as income in most cases.

That is why businesses need to understand, manage and plan their cash flow. By forecasting and planning, businesses give themselves an excellent chance of being financially sound and staying on top of its ongoing commitments.

Below are a few key tips which will help your company go from good to great:

Clear Financial Targets

Managing Debtors Effectively

Do not be afraid to negotiate with Creditors

Review of your product/service offering:

Engage the services of a trusted Advisor

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