The ATO says it can help fund some reasonable litigation costs if the outcome of a particular case will affect a significant number of taxpayers by: Funding litigation costs for tax cases

Its test case litigation program was established to fund cases that have broader implications beyond individual disputes with the ATO. The program can provide financial assistance to taxpayers to help them meet some or all of their reasonable litigation costs and – in limited circumstances – pre-litigation costs, associated with clarifying tax, superannuation and in some instances debt-related issues.

A test case litigation panel considers applications for funding. The panel’s chair and deputy chair are senior ATO officers, and external members are from the legal and accounting professions.

In certain instances, cases will be considered for funding without an application being submitted. These cases will generally be considered separately by the chair or deputy chair of the panel.

The sort of case that may be considered will be expected to be in the public interest. Funding will be considered where, in addition to meeting the test case funding criterion:

A tax agent or an individual can apply online, and the panel will consider each case against the funding criterion and expectations.

To make an application for funding will require you to fill in the test case funding application form, however it is recommended that you read the information under the test case litigation register before submitting an application.

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