Succession and estate planning in a family farming business is a complex juggling of the needs and wants of the “retiring” generation, the new farmer(s) and their partners and often siblings of the new farmers who will not be farming in the future. 

Issues include:

Succession for Farmers

Succession and estate planning in any business is a complex process that requires good communication, planning and ideally a long lead in time to maximise the chance of a successful transition.  A family farming business adds to this complexity due to the following reasons:

Communication On Succession And Estate Planning

Research indicates that the level of communication on succession and estate planning within small businesses is pretty poor.  While the research statistics on succession in farming business is now pretty old and therefore its relevance could be questioned, it does, however, give some historical perspective and some guidance to what professionals, active in providing successional advice, see.

Succession becomes and issue when

The lack of early, constructive communication and planning on succession results not only in disagreement between family members and personal stress, it also leads to business underperformance and potential erosion of family wealth. 

Increasing The Likelihood Of A Successful Succession Process

There are a number of factors that are important to improve the likelihood of a successful succession process. These are:

Succession Versus Estate Transfer

Both are connected but are mutually exclusive and can happen at different times.  Even where they are dealt with at the same time they should be considered separately.

Formal Agreements

The main advantage of formal agreements is the process rather than the result.  Formal agreements mean agreements are recorded in a clear and concise manner.  It also means that the process gets concluded to a point in time.  It gives the opportunity for individuals to have a “cooling off period” from any agreement reached in a discussion or meeting format and allows stakeholders to obtain individual advice.

Consultants are asked to help in too many succession disputes where a succession process has taken place previously and past agreements have either not been documented or documented in minutes that become ambiguous through the passage of time.

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