Tax Deductions for Self-Education Expenses
Australian workers are currently able to claim tax deductions on self-education expenses when the education activities are directly connected to the income arising from their current employment activities. To be tax deductable the self-education must also maintain or improve the specific skills or knowledge that is required in your current work activities. Furthermore, the self-education […]
Self-Employment and Bankruptcy
Sole Proprietorship businesses (also known as “Sole Traders”) are the simplest and cheapest business structure to create in order to operate a business and that makes them a popular choice for business owners looking for flexibility in operations, management and exit. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data shows that Sole Traders account for approximately […]
The Power of the ATO During an Insolvency
Approximately 8,048 Australian companies experienced external administration (EXAD) in the 12 months ended March 2019. During the same period there were 27,058 new personal insolvencies, including 15,329 bankruptcies, 11,549 debt agreements and 180 personal insolvency agreements. In the year prior, the ATO was the initiator of 20% of all company liquidations and 4% of all […]
Managing Business Tax Debt
Fulfilling tax obligations ranks at the top of business compliance priorities, but it’s not always easy to keep on top of your business tax. Business tax debt has serious implications when left unpaid, so every business should be proactive in managing this type of debt.
FAQ: Garnishee Notices

Received a garnishee notice? What does it mean? The ATO has an ability to collect money directly from your bank account or from your business’ debtors via a garnishee order. If you have reached this stage it generally means that most avenues have been exhausted for negotiation or settlement. For business owners this is often […]
GST Buying or Selling Real Estate
Whether a sale of property is subject to GST will be dependent on a number of factors. The sale of real property must be made in the course or furtherance of an enterprise before it is brought into the GST system. Summary of GST status for sale of real property.
Trading with a wind up notice over your business
Companies that have trouble meeting their tax obligations, or other debts, may receive a notice to wind-up from creditors or the ATO. Business owners and company directors are often confused about the impact of receiving a wind-up notice, and uncertain about what their options may be. A wind-up notice is a serious matter, and it’s […]
Tax of Insurance Premiums

As a general guideline, the ATO will allow a deduction for certain insurance premiums if it can be shown that the insurance cover relates to earning assessable income. In other words, life insurance, trauma insurance or critical care insurance are generally out. Income protection insurance is one example of the kind of cover that may provide an allowable […]
Self Education Expenses

The value of a good education is widely accepted, and it is a common experience over one’s working lifetime to find that further learning is required along the path of one’s chosen career. Changing technology and evolving workplaces means that at some stage in every taxpayer’s life, an educational re-boot could become necessary — as […]
Taxable Payment Annual Reports

If your business primarily operates in the Building and Construction Industry, and makes payments to contractors, you are required to complete and lodge a “Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR)’ with the Australian Taxation Office each year. Businesses primarily in the building and construction industry need to report to the ATO the total payments they make […]