Sole Proprietorship businesses (also known as “Sole Traders”) are the simplest and cheapest business structure to create in order to operate a business and that makes them a popular choice for business owners looking for flexibility in operations, management and exit. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data shows that Sole Traders account for approximately 26.2% of all registered businesses operating at the end of the 2016-17 financial year, a 4.5% year on year increase from 2015-16. Sole Proprietors typically operate businesses as Taxi Drivers; Solicitors; Cleaners; Consultants; Bookkeepers; Mixed Businesses (General Goods); Restaurants and Cafes; Property Investment; Handymen and Tradesmen.

One significant risk attached to Sole Proprietorship is the exposure of the business owner to unlimited personal liability for debts incurred. In circumstances where the business is without sufficient funds to meet its debts incurred, the Sole Proprietor’s assets are exposed and available to meet the said debts.  In extreme circumstances, this can lead to Sole Proprietor being declared Bankrupt, in the event his or her personal assets are insufficient to meet the business debts.


Key Considerations for Sole Proprietor Business Bankrupts

Bankruptcy does not prevent a Sole Proprietorship businesses from continuing or commencing. There are however some fundamental matters and issues that a Bankrupt ought to be aware of:

AFSA administers the following webpage which contains links to the websites of certain trades and professions where restrictions may apply:

It is a fact of life that not all businesses succeed. Many endure legitimate financial distress and loss, leading to eventual failure. Sole Proprietor business operators are exposed to individual bankruptcy as a result of their personal and unlimited liability for business debts.

Bankruptcy can be an effective rehabilitative process designed to promote and educate debtors on better and more informed business choices, whilst freeing the shackles created by existing debt.


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