Blue letter from the ATO

Getting a blue notice is a reminder from the ATO, don’t ignore them as if you are running late they are there to help you get back on track.

Rural Succession Planning

Rural Succession Planning

Farming families offer a different perspective on succession, with careful planning keeping the farm can be the reality across generations.

Welcome Back

It has been three years since we have been a standalone business it is great to be back. We welcome Pete as a partner of the firm.

C&D Adapting to rapidly changing landscape

Over the next few weeks, there will be a new colour and a change of logo to the C&D presence as we continue to adapt to the changing economic landscape. The last six months have been challenging for most businesses and we have been in the same boat. Whilst missing our Yeronga home, the opportunity […]

Moving office

The team has relocated to 110A Hoff Street Mt Gravatt and will be operating from here for the rest of 2020. The change has brought a further flexibility that we feel better aligns with the changing marketplace and hopefully will allow us to be more adaptable. We are retaining the offices in Geelong and Sydney, […]

Some of the Biggest Challenges Facing Cryptocurrency Investors

Since its inception over 10 years ago, Bitcoin has grown to become the leading cryptocurrency worldwide and even a household name. As a result, a growing number of Australian individuals and businesses have begun to look into how they can invest safely and securely in digital assets like Bitcoin to take advantage of its rapid […]

The Reality of Build to Rent in Australia

The Build-to-Rent Property Model is Increasingly Garnering Interest From Property Developers Across the Country. Developers such as Grocon, Lendlease and Mirvac are all looking at implementing the model in Australia. Property finance experts Development Finance Partners have investigated the build-to-rent model in the context of Australia’s financial systems and taxations structures. The build-to-rent model is […]

What is total super balance?

Recent superannuation reforms introduced a concept of “total superannuation balance”, which on the surface may give the simple impression that it is the sum of the balances of a person’s superannuation interests. However, this is not the case. What is the total balance relevant for? The total superannuation balance is relevant in determining a super […]

Super benefits to children

For a parent the most difficult and frightening happening to consider is what will happen to your children in the event of your untimely death. But for parents in New South Wales, there are a number of avenues to financially protect your children in the event that something tragic happens to you. If the parent […]