Like many countries across the globe, Australia struggled in their willingness to accept same sex marriages. However in December 2017 with the passing of the Marriage Amendment Bill, the Marriage Act of 1961 was amended; changing the definition of marriage and religious freedom Australia.
While it has taken years and tremendous effort on the part of many, the bill allowing couples of any gender to marry one another is finally law in Australia. Voter’s support for the changes showed a predominant yes, with the ACT leading in the number of yes votes. And, while NSW ultimately came through with a yes vote, our state was the most divided on the question with 42% of the population voting no.
The changes in the law are reflected in several areas including;
- The Internal Revenue Code
- Social Security Act
- Worker’s Compensation
- Retirement Benefits
- Disability and Death Benefits
- Insurance
- Inheritance
- Immigration
In all of these areas the legal language has been changed from “husband and/or wife” to the all-inclusive language of spouse or married couple or married person. As a result, the rights of those who have always been referred to as “husband and wife” have now been extended to all married couples. All areas of the law that previously referred to survivor benefits being the right of a husband or wife, are now extended to all persons or spouses who would be the natural beneficiary of marriage.
In addition, the marriage amendment redefines those who can officiate these occasions. In the past, the language only allowed for an “authorised celebrant” and was exclusive to various religious definitions.
However, with the changing of the Marriage Act of 1961, the definition of authorised celebrant has also been changed. The new language still allows for the celebrant to be of a religious nature or persuasion, but now also allows for the celebrant to be any of the following;
- A minister of religion
- Australian defense celebrant
- A marriage celebrant
- A religious marriage celebrant
- A chaplain
Any of the aforementioned types of registered persons can now perform a marriage ceremony of any two persons desiring to be the spouse of the other.
In addition, the New South Wales marriage registry will also recognise any marriage that has been codified overseas. From here forward, those who are considered married in another jurisdiction, be in within Australia or otherwise, will also be recognised and considered married in Australia.
De Facto Relationships compared to Marriage
The right to marry also grants same sex couples the right to continue to engage in de facto relationships. While it is believed that many same sex couples will opt for the traditional marriage path, it is also recognised that many may not. The option is open for these couples to enter into a different form of commitment that will also be recognised. As such, any same sex couple that meets the criteria for a de facto relationship can claim the same legal rights as those granted to married couples.
If a same sex couple is engaged in a relationship that maintains the characteristics of a permanent commitment, they will be considered to be in a de facto commitment. Under these circumstances they too will have access to the various laws and supports available to those who are married under the Family Law Act of 1975.
While same sex couples will share all of the benefits of marriage that traditional couples do, they will also share the same responsibilities with regard to the proper dissolution of the same. This rights are also extended to de facto couples. In the event that either a marriage or a de facto relationship breaks down and cannot continue, all couples regardless of gender or relationship status, will have access the Family Court system and all couples will have equal rights during any dissolution process.
Hence, if a de facto relationship of a same sex couple requires permanent separation, the court will look to the following 4 factors to determine the proper distribution of shared assets.
Factor 1: You and your partner were in a true de facto relationship
Factor 2: Any one of the four following criteria can be shown
- That the period for the de facto relationship is at least 2 years
- That there is a child in the de facto relationship
- That the relationship is or was registered under a prescribed law of a State or Territory
- When assessing property or custodial claims in cases of a breakdown of a relationship, it is recognized that significant contributions were being made by one party and the failure to issue an order would result in a serious injustice
Factor 3: The couple has a local connection to the jurisdiction they are requesting assistance from
Factor 4: The couple’s relationship broke down after 1 March 2009
In accordance with the changes in the law, all married or de facto couples will need to remember that the following life areas will be reviewed during the course of dissolution of the marriage or the relationship including the couples:
- finances
- social relationships
- nature of your household
- presence of absence of a sexual relationship
- nature of the commitment
Today couples of any gender in Australia can move forward with entering into marriage or a de facto relationship with access to equal legal rights and responsibilities during the course of the committed relationship, or the dissolution of the same.