Reasons To Consider Changing Your Accountant

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like your accountant is doing the bare minimum, it might be time to find a new accountant. You might not realise it but there is a possibly that you might not be getting good value for money and it might be a good idea to […]

Small Businesses Save $8.9 Billion Through Recommendations from Advisers

Throughout the covid-19 pandemic, Australian small businesses have sought the advice of accountants and bookkeepers to help overcome the many challenges they have been dealt with during one of the most unpredictable times of human history.  Recent research illustrates that $36.4 billion was injected into the small business sector through grants, investment guidance, or other […]

The Tax Consequences for Business Events Ahead of Trans-Tasman Travel Bubble

On Monday 19th April 2021 the Australian and New Zealand federal governments plan to lift international border restrictions between the two countries. As a result of the travel ban coming to an end corporate events will become a more frequent occurrence “extravagant” corporate events are likely to pique the interest of the Australian Tax Office. Australian […]