Thousands of ACT Businesses Are Yet To Receive Business Support Grants During Lockdown
The ACT has been in lockdown for almost two months, however under 4000 outstanding support grants are yet to be processed for struggling businesses, with the ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr largely blaming it on poorly submitted paperwork. However, ACT Liberal senator Zed Seselja believes that the ACT government is responsible for the delay, and […]
ACT Budget Aims To Strengthen Economy Amid New Covid-19 Lockdown

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on jobs, businesses, and industries that are critical to Canberra’s economy including the tourism, arts and events sectors. The 2021-22 ACT Budget aims to make a huge investment in job creation and encourage investment with a purpose of driving a stronger economic recovery. The newly announced $41 […]
Covid-19 Small Business Support Grants For ACT Based Businesses
Businesses in Canberra who have been impacted by the recent covid-19 lockdown are now able to apply for support grants which are being provided by the ACT Government. Businesses who are eligible will be able to receive up to $10,000 (businesses with employees) or $4,000 (for businesses without employees). These funds will be available for […]
Foreign Land Tax – ACT
As at 1 July 2018, a foreign ownership surcharge is imposed under the Land Tax Act 2004 on residential property owned by a foreign person including a foreign individual, corporation or trustee of a foreign trust. In the Australian Capital Territory if you’re not an Australian citizen or resident of Australia, you are considered […]
Welcome to C&D Restructure
The team at C&D would like to welcome you to our website. Whilst the name is new the business remains the same. Lead by Craig Dangar, we continue to offer comprehensive support for our professional partners.