The Future of Rural Australian Motels In The Age of Covid-19

The ongoing covid-19 pandemic has caused mass disruption in virtually every industry on the planet. Motels in small country towns across Australia are experiencing their fair shares of ups and downs as international travel is off the table and Australian tourists are restricted to travelling domestically.   Craig Dangar from C&D Restructure & Taxation Advisory […]

Tax in the sharing economy

Have you ever let a room on the popular accommodation site Airbnb? Ever shared a ride with pseudo taxi service Uber? If you participate in what’s now called the “sharing economy”, you may have some tax to pay. The Tax Office says the sharing economy is a new way of “connecting buyers (‘users’) with sellers […]

Tax and Airbnb

Airbnb is one of many examples of the “sharing economy” — connecting buyers (users) and sellers (providers) through a facilitator that usually operates an app or a website. Airbnb acts as this facilitator by allowing individuals, referred to as “hosts”, to rent out a room of their house or their whole house for a short-time […]