Getting your compliance caught up

Timely lodgment of your BAS is not just a legal requirement but also a best practice that supports the overall financial health and compliance of your business. It aids in efficient cash flow management, maintains good standing with the ATO, ensures accurate financial reporting, enhances business reputation, and prepares the business for eligibility in various government programs. In essence, it’s a critical aspect of responsible business management.
Tax Advice For Uber Drivers In Australia
Uber has become a popular way for Australians to earn additional income. However, drivers can find themselves potentially getting into serious tax related problems unless they do it right. The concept of being an Uber driver is unique and gives drivers a flexible opportunity to earn additional income for anyone who owns a good quality […]
GST on Amazon Fees
Amazon has just announced that it will charge 10% GST on Selling on Amazon fees from 1 July 2017 for Australian based Amazon sellers unless they are registered for GST. So What Does This Mean? You will have to provide your ABN (Australian Business Number) to Amazon, and You will have to register with the Australian Taxation Office for GST […]
Amending a BAS

Once we have lodged your latest activity statement, you may realise that something has been left out or you have neglected to include a particular item. The Australian tax system is based on “self assessment”, which means the ATO generally takes your word, under our guidance, and bases its assessment on the information it has […]
Lodging a late BAS

What is BAS? A Business Activity Statement (“BAS“) is how you report and pay your business taxes to the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO“). Your BAS will report and pay your GST, PAYG instalments, PAYG withholding tax and other taxes. BAS can be lodged electronically, by mail or for on the phone if you have nil lodgements. […]
Launch of our video platform
We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]
Cash v Accruals
Goods and Services Tax (“GST“) is calculated as the GST owed to the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO“) by the business (GST collected on sales made) less GST owed by the ATO to the business (GST paid on purchases made). The ATO gives small business owners the option of reporting GST on a cash basis if […]
New GST Rules for Property Developers From 1 July 2018, a Goods and Services Tax (“GST“) withholding obligation will be imposed on purchaser of certain residential premises, including certain vacant land. Purchaser must withhold the ‘GST component’ of the sale price of affected land and pay it directly to the Commissioner instead of the seller. Transitional rules may apply for […]
Direct remitting to the ATO

Developers have recently felt the impact of the direct remittance of GST payments from buyers to the ATO. The consequence of this has been significant where the BAS lodgement history has been poor or where the GST planning has resulted in a significant liability at the end of the project. Where a developer is banking […]
Signs of a distressed business
You’re a business owner and you think things are going well, but are they really? What are the signs that you should look out for? Are you drawing an income? Our first conversation with our clients is when is the last time you drew a salary or wage. For a lot of business owners it […]