Understanding your business

Understanding your business

Understanding and reviewing your business is an ongoing process that demands a multifaceted approach. It requires looking at your business from different angles and using a combination of data analysis, market insights, and strategic planning. By regularly conducting these reviews, you can make informed decisions, adapt to changes, and steer your business toward continued success and growth.

Blue letter from the ATO

Getting a blue notice is a reminder from the ATO, don’t ignore them as if you are running late they are there to help you get back on track.

Tips for Businesses Who Are Wanting To Become More Environmentally Friendly

Over the past decade there has been a huge push from customers in regards to wanting to be more conscious of the environment. Both businesses and customers are becoming more aware of their impact on the world, and are deciding to do more to take action by focusing on reducing emissions and limiting carbon footprints. […]

Small Businesses Ideas for Australians Who Are Wanting to Work for Themselves

If you are considering the idea of starting a business in 2022, it is important to take the new normal into account. The covid-19 pandemic has changed so much about how people consume products and services. It is important to keep up to date with consumer trends and to create a small business that has […]

How to Know When It’s Time to Close Your Business

A large number of Australian businesses have been forced to close their doors with good over the duration of the covid-19 pandemic. As a business owner knowing when to quit will likely save you further heartbreak and also plenty of money. Starting a business is tough and it can be even tougher closing it both […]

The ATO Plans to Auto-Call ABN Cancellations

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has announced that Australian Business Number (ABN) holders or their accountants might be contacted by the tax office during the months of November and December 2021 as it moves to automate its ‘intent to cancel’ program. ABNs can be selected for the cancellation program if the tax office cannot detect […]

Queensland Pubs and Cafes Will Ban Unvaccinated Patron Starting Next Month

The Queensland Government has announced that pubs and cafes across the state will ban unvaccinated customers from entering venues once Queensland reaches it’s 80 percent doubled-vaccinated milestone. This milestone is currently projected to be reached by Friday 17th December. Outside of the hospitality industry, the unvaccinated will be able to attend weddings but only if […]

Important Attributes That Make A Great Business Leader

If you were to sit down with ten different entrepreneurs and ask them what they believe makes a great leader you would most likely receive 10 different answers. However, there are some important attributes that seem to get spoken about more than others. Here is a good list of traits that an individual should focus […]