Business Location

The physical location of your business can have a multitude of impacts in addition to obvious ones such as customer access and transport. Before you settle on a location, you need to be thoroughly aware of how and how much your location will impact your organisation.

Trading with a wind up notice over your business

Companies that have trouble meeting their tax obligations, or other debts, may receive a notice to wind-up from creditors or the ATO. Business owners and company directors are often confused about the impact of receiving a wind-up notice, and uncertain about what their options may be. A wind-up notice is a serious matter, and it’s […]

Documents to wind up a business

Winding up a business is different to merely ceasing trade. While the latter means that you’re effectively stopping business, you still have to abide by a handful of obligations and fees while the business remains registered. The de-registration process is long and involved, and can take months to take from start to finish. Creditors have […]

Getting Paid on Time

You’ve delivered the product and sent the invoice, and now the client’s delaying payment. Late paying clients create cash flow problems and disrupt your business. Left unmanaged, non-payment can tip you towards insolvency in serious cases. If you want to minimise overdue invoices without alienating clients, start by implementing these smart invoicing strategies. 1. Ask […]

Div 7A doing nothing

If so, then you need to keep reading….. Over the years, we have seen many business owners taking money out of their own companies – mainly because they believe it is theirs. The money is then used to purchase the family home, a new car, boat and for many other good reasons. This is not […]

Dealing with a wind up notice

Wind-up notices are a type of statutory demand that’s typically served by creditors, including the ATO, to enforce the payment of debt by a business. The wind-up notice, usually made under section 459E of the Corporations Act (‘the Act’), requires a business to appear in court with its creditor to determine whether the business is […]

Business Garnishee Notice

A garnishee order is a serious matter, as it means a court order has been made to allow creditors to recover debt from third parties. They can do this in a number of ways, including taking money from the debtor’s bank account and/or from their salary. If you are issued with a garnishee order you […]

Basics of a Creditor’s Meeting

Basics of a Creditor's Meeting

When push comes to shove and the debts can’t be paid, putting a business into voluntary administration can be a sensible move. It’s important to not fear voluntary administration, as it’s a way to restructure the business and hopefully get back on track. In this situation, an administrator takes control of a company, reviews the finances and […]

Shutting down your business

Whether you’re closing down your business by choice or have been forced to do so, it is an involved process with strict compliance requirements. How you shut down will depend on your business structure and why you’re no longer operating your business. Where possible, plan ahead so you can get professional advice, fulfil compliance requirements, […]

Basics of Div 7A

As the owner of a private company, it’s normal – and completely legal – to borrow money from your business. However, thanks to Division 7A of the Tax Act, failing to properly record that loan could land you in some serious strife come tax time. Here’s how it works, and how to avoid its impact […]