Unpaid Overtime Has Increased During the Covid-19 Pandemic
A recent report has shown that the number of Australians working unpaid overtime has increased significantly during the covid-19 pandemic. The report can reveal that unpaid workers are missing out on an average $230 a week or $460 each fortnight. Across the country Australians are working an average of 6.1 hours of unpaid work each […]
Australian Government Introduces New Casual Employment Laws

The Australian Government has announced that businesses who have long-term casual staff might soon be hit with fines exceeding $66,000, if they don’t offer them permanent positions. Since Monday 27th September, employers across the country must begin contacting casual staff who have been employed for at least 12 months, with a written offer to convert […]
The Legal Consequences Of The High Courts Casual Employee Decision
The High Court of Australia has decided to unanimously uphold an appeal from recruitment company WorkPac against a 2020 Federal Court decision, ruling that WorkPac’s former employee, Robert Rossato, was in fact classed as a casual employee at law. In May 2020, the Full Federal Court ruled that casual employees who work stable, regular hours with […]