How to Claim A Tax Deduction Via the Car Logbook Method

One of the most effective ways to increase the amount of money you receive on your tax return is to claim a deduction on your travel expensive. The car logbook method is a common way to track your car expenses. If you use your car for employment purposes, the Australian Tax Office will allow […]
Self Education Expenses

The value of a good education is widely accepted, and it is a common experience over one’s working lifetime to find that further learning is required along the path of one’s chosen career. Changing technology and evolving workplaces means that at some stage in every taxpayer’s life, an educational re-boot could become necessary — as […]
Launch of our video platform
We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]
PSI Results Test

The Results Test The results test provides that an individual or personal services entity meets the results test in an income year if in relation to at least 75% of the individuals personal services income: (a) the income is for producing a result; and (b) the individual is required to supply the plant and equipment, […]
Repairs, replacement and maintenance

You can claim a deduction for repairs and maintenance to machinery, tools or premises you use to produce business income, as long as the expenses are not capital expenses. What you can claim You can claim the cost of allowable repairs and maintenance, including: painting; conditioning gutters; maintaining plumbing; repairing electrical appliances; mending leaks; replacing […]
Laundry Allowance

Your tax agent tells you, you can $150 claim for laundry relating to your work uniform, is this correct? We have recently been working with a tax agent that had a standard policy of claiming $150 regardless of the occupation, this has resulted in a heavy audit of his clients and a disallowing of many […]
Welcome to C&D Restructure
The team at C&D would like to welcome you to our website. Whilst the name is new the business remains the same. Lead by Craig Dangar, we continue to offer comprehensive support for our professional partners.