FBT Exemption For Retraining Employees Has Been Passed Through Parliament

The Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 4) Bill 2021 has been passed through both houses of parliament. This means that employers will be given an exemption from FBT if they provide education or training to a redundant, or soon-to-be redundant, employee for the purpose of assisting that employee to gain new employment. This exemption […]

An Important Reminder for Taxpayers to Keep Working from Home Records

Despite Australia faring much better than the majority of the world during the covid-19 pandemic, the working patterns of employees has changed in step with the rest of the world. Over the past 12 months millions of Australians have been forced to work from home. It is therefore crucial for taxpayers to keep a diligent […]

CGT and FBT Exemption Draft Legislation Released

The Australian Government has published two pieces of draft legislation which were originally announced in the most recent federal budget from October 2020. The first piece of legislation which has been released include measures to exempt employers from the 47 percent fringe benefits tax (FBT). The second piece of legislation released provides a capital gains […]

Working From Home Benefits during the Covid-19 Pandemic

It is important for Australian employers to be aware of their Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) obligations when employees are provided with benefits to assist them when they are working from home during the covid-19 pandemic. As an employer you might have given or loaned specific eligible work related items to your employee in order to […]

The ATO Announces a Permanent Review Service for Small Businesses

On Friday 26th March the Australian Tax Office (ATO) announced that it will permanently install its independent review service following a successful three-year pilot program which gained the approval of its participants, whether they got the outcome they hoped for or not.   In a statement released by the ATO, the tax agency proclaimed that the small businesses […]

The Otherwise Deductible Rule and Declarations – Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

The Otherwise Deductible Rule (ODR) is a mechanism within the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) legislation which enables the taxable value of an expense payment benefit provided to an employee to be reduced to Nil, this consequently removes the requirement to pay fringe benefits tax.  A tax benefit can be classified as Otherwise Deductible if the […]

New Car Parking FBT Changes

The Australian Government has expanded the definition of the Small Business Car Parking exemption. It therefore is important for employers to be aware of the two big changes which will come into effect at the end of the 2021 Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year on 31st March 2021. From 1st April 2021, exemptions will apply […]

Fringe Benefits Tax Year End Planner

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is a tax imposed on employers for specific benefits they provide to their employees or their employees family or friends. FBT’s purpose for its existence is to prevent tax leakage from businesses deducting the cost of provide those however income tax is not collected on the employee side.  Some major examples […]

The Small Business Ombudsman Calls for FBT To Be Scrapped

The Small Business Ombudsman believes that removing the fringe benefits tax, and enabling GST to be remitted at the point of sale, would potentially make the tax system more small business friendly. A recent research paper published by Australia’s Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman has listed 25 recommendations that aspire to create a tax […]

Launch of our video platform

We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]