Guide to Garnishee Notices

A garnishee notice is a serious issue. It means that a debt has reached the stage where the court has made an order that allows the creditor to seek repayment from a third party, whether it be your bank or your client or customer (or for employees directly from your employer). If you are issued […]
FAQ: Garnishee Notices

Received a garnishee notice? What does it mean? The ATO has an ability to collect money directly from your bank account or from your business’ debtors via a garnishee order. If you have reached this stage it generally means that most avenues have been exhausted for negotiation or settlement. For business owners this is often […]
Business Garnishee Notice
A garnishee order is a serious matter, as it means a court order has been made to allow creditors to recover debt from third parties. They can do this in a number of ways, including taking money from the debtor’s bank account and/or from their salary. If you are issued with a garnishee order you […]
Our guide to Voluntary Administration
What is voluntary administration? Voluntary administration is an insolvency procedure involving the appointment of an external administrator, known as a voluntary administrator. Usually it’s initiated by the company’s directors or by a secured creditor. Voluntary administration is a process for a business in financial strife and it helps determine the next best course of option for the […]
What is a provisional liquidator?
Provisional liquidation is a temporary measure used to protect the assets of a company in certain situations. The law on provisional liquidation allows the provisional liquidation process to be activated only under certain circumstances. Whether you’re a creditor, shareholder, or director of a company, you might be considering provisional liquidation to protect and preserve the […]
Business Restructure
Business restructuring is often used by distressed businesses to overcome their financial and operational issues in order to return to profitability and growth. In challenging markets, business restructuring can help businesses overcome issues like poor cash flow, thin profit margins, and stagnating growth. Developing a restructuring strategy that reflects your business needs is critical, as […]
Deed of Company Arrangement
What is a deed of company arrangement? A deed of company arrangement (DOCA) is a binding arrangement between a company and its creditors that governs how the company’s affairs will be handled if the company is at a risk of becoming insolvent or has already entered into voluntary administration. A DOCA can be used to […]
Cash flow management ideas
What is cash flow and why is it important? Cash flow is the total amount of money that you have coming in to your business from revenue and going out for expenses. Managing cash flow is an essential part of running a business. It is particularly important for new businesses because if you can’t manage […]
Cost of a liquidation
Time, money and effort go into building a company. And the same is true when it’s time to wind up that company. If you’re considering winding up your business, liquidating assets or entering administration, you should first know the different types of liquidation and how much they could cost. 1. Winding up a solvent company […]
What qualifies for safe harbour protections?

The insolvent trading law, as seen from the eyes of the Australian business community, was verging on draconian, penalising business failure heavily and stigmatising corporate insolvency beyond salvage. If, despite the best of plans, a business was heading for failure, the director had all the incentives to act conservatively rather than take bold decisions to lead the […]