Guide to Garnishee Notices

A garnishee notice is a serious issue. It means that a debt has reached the stage where the court has made an order that allows the creditor to seek repayment from a third party, whether it be your bank or your client or customer (or for employees directly from your employer). If you are issued […]
Managing Business Tax Debt
Fulfilling tax obligations ranks at the top of business compliance priorities, but it’s not always easy to keep on top of your business tax. Business tax debt has serious implications when left unpaid, so every business should be proactive in managing this type of debt.
FAQ: Garnishee Notices

Received a garnishee notice? What does it mean? The ATO has an ability to collect money directly from your bank account or from your business’ debtors via a garnishee order. If you have reached this stage it generally means that most avenues have been exhausted for negotiation or settlement. For business owners this is often […]