Job Vacancies in Australia Hit Record Levels as JobKeeper Ends

Australia’s national jobs market appears to be in a strong position to take up many of the 1 million Australians who have recently come off the federal governments JobKeeper wage subsidy program. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) revealed that at the end of March 2021 there was approximately 289,000 vacant jobs across Australia in […]

Advice to Help Businesses Impacted By Floods Minimise Their Financial Hardship

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) has announced a new checklist to support small businesses who have been affected by the recent flooding to occur in the east coast of Australia.  This checklist has been created to help reduce the amount of financial hardship small businesses endure as they look to recover from the […]

The Impact Ending JobKeeper Will Have On the Unemployed

In Australia one entry-level job is advertised for every 48 people who are relying on JobSeeker payments. Now that JobKeeper has been discontinued and thousands of Australians are at risk of losing their jobs the competition for these highly sort after new employment opportunities has risen significantly. There are eight people who receive the JobSeeker […]

Australian Businesses in a World after JobKeeper

Business owners, insolvency experts and bureaucrats are cautiously awaiting to see how the end of JobKeeper is going to impact the Australian economy over the coming weeks. Insolvency laws were introduced during the peak of the covid-19 lockdown to protect businesses. On top of this the $90 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme made it possible […]

Hospitality Venues in Brisbane Endure First Lockdown Post JobKeeper

Restaurants, cafes and other hospitality establishments located in Brisbane are expecting to take a massive hit as the city enters Australia’s first covid-19 lockdown since the end of JobKeeper. Under the new lockdown rules, hospitality venues are only able to serve take-away or home delivery options to their customers. Non-essential businesses such as; gyms, cinemas, […]

The Australian Government Expands Support Package to Assist the Arts and Entertainment Sectors

On Wednesday 24th March, the Australian Government announced additional targeted support package worth $135 million aimed to predominately assist people working in the arts and entertainment sectors. This scheme is called “The Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand Fund” or is commonly referred to as “RISE”. The additional funding comes at a crucial period of […]

Thousands of Employees Face Redundancy as JobKeeper Ends

The JobKeeper scheme ended on Sunday 28th March. The ATO has warned employers that they could potentially lose access to the wage subsidy payments if they deny workers their redundancy entitlements.   The Treasury has estimated that up to 150,000 employees across the country are likely to lose their job as a result of the […]

The ATO Has Lost “JobKeeper Test Case” In the Full Federal Court

Jeremy Apted, an Australian sole trader has been granted access to JobKeeper following the Full Federal Court unanimously ruled that the Australian Tax Office was incorrect in its decision to not grant his business more time to establish it’s eligibility. This case which is referred to as “The JobKeeper test case” was centred around whether […]

The Australian Government Has Extended the SME Responsible Lending Exemption

The Australian Government has announced an extension of the SME responsible lending exemption. This announcement comes following delays to the passage of new laws that will consequently remove responsible lending obligations for banks. The SME responsible lending exemption was set to expire on 2nd April 2021 having been originally introduced in March 2020 at the […]