Listed Companies Are Required to Report JobKeeper Grants

Recently announced legislation means that listed entities are required to separately notify the market of JobKeeper payments even if that information has been included in the entity’s annual financial report. The legislation known as The Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 2) Act 2021 was announced by the Australian Government in September 2021. The announcement […]

The ATO Clashes With The Senate Over The Disclosure Of JobKeeper Order

Commissioner of Taxation Chris Jordan has argued public interest immunity against a Senate order that would have required the ATO to publish a list of businesses with a turnover of more than $10 million who were recipients of the JobKeeper wage subsidy. The Senate order, moved by independent senator Rex Patrick, would have also obliged […]

Centrelink Goes After 11,000 Australians for $33 Million Worth of JobKeeper Related Debts

Over 11 thousand Australians have been sent debt notices associated with JobKeeper wage subsides totalling an amount close to $33 million. Services Australia has announced that since April 2021 11,771 welfare recipients had debts raised, following a review of JobKeeper and income support payments.  Employment Minister Stuart Robert told parliament that it was the government’s […]

The Legal Consequences Of The High Courts Casual Employee Decision

The High Court of Australia has decided to unanimously uphold an appeal from recruitment company WorkPac against a 2020 Federal Court decision, ruling that WorkPac’s former employee, Robert Rossato, was in fact classed as a casual employee at law. In May 2020, the Full Federal Court ruled that casual employees who work stable, regular hours with […]

4.6 Billion of JobKeeper Payments Went To Businesses That Increased Their Turnover

It has been revealed that billions of dollars’ worth of JobKeeper payments were distributed to businesses that increased their turnover at the peak of the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The Australian Government originally announced the $1,500 per fortnight wage subsidy in March 2020 when the economy shut down to combat the spread of the virus. […]

Australian Consumers Lose Confidence As Retail Sales Drop During Recent Lockdowns

Many Australian businesses are afraid that new lockdowns will give them no choice but to close their doors permanently as online shopping remains the only way they retail stores can continue to generate revenue during the new lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne.    With over half the Australian population in lockdown to prevent the spread of […]

Prime Minister Scott Morrison Continues To Reject Calls To Bring Back JobKeeper

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has rejected calls to reinstate JobKeeper. This is despite their being 13 million Australians who are currently in lockdown which is over half the nation’s population. The Prime Minister strongly insists that there is no time to implement a system to deliver emergency payments to individuals who need it now. “I’m […]

SME Tax Debts Reaches A Record $21 Billion

It can be revealed that, small and medium businesses across Australia owe a total of $21 billion to the ATO (Australian Tax Office). The figures were published according to new data compiled by the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO). Despite this record figure, the large majority of small business owners have said that […]