Struggling Businesses Are Concerned About What the End of JobKeeper Will Mean for Their Future

Struggling businesses and their employees are concerned about what is going to happen to them once JobKeeper ends on the 28th March 2021. Economists are predicting that over 100,000 jobs could be lost when the government ends the covid-19 welfare supplement later this month. When covid-19 shattered Australia’s economy in March 2020, millions of people […]
Why It Is Important for Businesses to Assess Their Viability Before JobKeeper Ends
The JobKeeper scheme will end on 28th March 2021. Since September 2020, over half a million businesses across the country have graduated from the scheme. Despite the schemes success at helping businesses survive during the pandemic there are a number of businesses struggling in industries such as aviation, tourism and the arts and recreation services. […]
Preparing for The End of JobKeeper
On 28th March 2021, the Australian Government is planning to phase out JobKeeper. The payment was originally introduced in March 2020 at the start of the covid-19 pandemic to encourage affected businesses to keep staff employed during the nationwide lockdown. JobKeeper is a wage subsidy payment made via the tax system. On top of […]