Online Sales for Myer Increase By 54 Percent

As Australia continues to tackle its current wave of the Omicron covid variant, online sales for retailer Myer increased by 54 percent. In-store sales were hampered significantly however, overall sales had actually improved in the five months before January. Total sales for the five months ending the 1st January 2022 were 12.3 percent higher than […]
Consumer Confidence in Australia Drops to A Three Decade Low
As the number of covid-19 cases continue to rise across Australia, customers are avoiding spending as much money as possible. This is despite the fact that Australia ended 2021 on an economic high. However, according to research compiled by ANZ and Roy Morgan, Australia’s consumer sentiment dropped this month as concerns about the explosion in […]
Job Vacancies Across Australia Reach a Record High
Data collected in the weeks leading up to the current outbreak of the Omicron variant has highlighted that job vacancies in Australia are at a level that’s higher than ever before. The recently published figures complied by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), illustrate that the number of vacancies reached fresh highs in November 2021. […]