10 Common Tax Mistakes Made by Rental Property Owners

The ATO has published a list of tips that aims to help rental property owners avoid making some of the most common mistakes which are made when completing their tax. The avoiding these errors will help the property owner save money and time. 1. Keeping the right records Your client is required to have […]
Rents Across Australia Fall or Stagnate While Property Prices Rise
House and unit prices are currently at record levels in cities across Australia after rock-bottom interest rates and government stimulus provoked a rush of buying. This has coincided with government assistances such as JobKeeper and mortgage holidays helping prevent a wave of distressed selling during the peak of the covid-19 pandemic. The price of housing […]
The Reality of Build to Rent in Australia
The Build-to-Rent Property Model is Increasingly Garnering Interest From Property Developers Across the Country. Developers such as Grocon, Lendlease and Mirvac are all looking at implementing the model in Australia. Property finance experts Development Finance Partners have investigated the build-to-rent model in the context of Australia’s financial systems and taxations structures. The build-to-rent model is […]