The Show Starter Loan Scheme Aims to Boost Australia’s Creative Economy

Announced in December 2020, The Show Starter Loan Scheme is a $90 million loan project established by the Australian Government. The scheme aims to give creative economy businesses access to finances which will make it possible for them to create new productions and events which will result in job creation and economic activity. The scheme […]
Government Support For The Arts During Covid-19

Last year, as part of the 2020-21 federal budget, the Australian government announced around $800 million of additional funding to support the nations creative and cultural sectors. Screen Australia has been given access to $33 million to support the continued development and production of Australian content. This funding consists of $30 million to support Australian film and […]
Boosting the Creative Economy and Employing Australians In Entertainment Sectors

In a bid to boost the creative economy, the federal government announced the $250 million support package called “The Covid-19 Creative Economy JobMaker Package” on 25th June 2020. This support package includes a $90 million Show Starter Loans Scheme. These much-needed support packages are being delivered as part of the Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme. The […]