Corporate Tax Losses

Do you pass the ‘continuity of ownership’ (COT) test? If your company has past tax losses that haven’t been used as a tax deduction, this tip is for you… Check the conditions under which a company’s past losses may be claimed as tax deductions. The benefits may include significant reductions in corporate tax payable. Owners […]
Tax of lease incentives

The income tax implications of property lease incentives Lease incentives are commonly used by landlords to entice tenants to enter into a lease. The most common type of lease incentive relates to new tenancies in commercial buildings. These inducements can take many forms, including upfront cash payments, non-cash items such as motor vehicles or boats, […]
Basics of an Employment Termination Payment (ETP)

The taxation of employment termination payments An employment termination payment (ETP) is generally a lump sum amount paid to an employee upon termination of their employment.Depending on the type of ETP, the employee’s age and years of service, the amount may be taxed in a number of different ways. An ETP may comprise of a […]
Ride-Share Income

Have you or someone you know considered taking up ride-sharing (also called ride-sourcing) to earn extra income, or even as an alternative form of employment? When providing ride-sharing services through Uber or GoCatch and other facilitators for a fare, there are things you will need to know, and traps you need to be aware of. […]
Amending a BAS

Once we have lodged your latest activity statement, you may realise that something has been left out or you have neglected to include a particular item. The Australian tax system is based on “self assessment”, which means the ATO generally takes your word, under our guidance, and bases its assessment on the information it has […]
Tax and Airbnb

Airbnb is one of many examples of the “sharing economy” — connecting buyers (users) and sellers (providers) through a facilitator that usually operates an app or a website. Airbnb acts as this facilitator by allowing individuals, referred to as “hosts”, to rent out a room of their house or their whole house for a short-time […]
Allocating profits in a professional firm

Allocating Profits within Professional Firms The allocation of profits within Professional Firms, such as accounting, architectural, engineering, financial services, legal and medical professions, continues to be under close scrutiny by the ATO. In 2015 the ATO issued guidelines for practitioners outlining how its general anti-avoidance legislation could apply to professional firms that allocate profits from […]
Lodging a late BAS

What is BAS? A Business Activity Statement (“BAS“) is how you report and pay your business taxes to the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO“). Your BAS will report and pay your GST, PAYG instalments, PAYG withholding tax and other taxes. BAS can be lodged electronically, by mail or for on the phone if you have nil lodgements. […]
Exemptions for Work Christmas Parties

It’s not quite Christmas time yet, but most businesses will be in the process of thinking ahead to the yuletide festivities, if not already into well-advanced planning. One of the perennial questions is if and how fringe benefits tax applies to these activities. There is no separate fringe benefits tax (FBT) category for Christmas parties […]
Repairs, replacement and maintenance

You can claim a deduction for repairs and maintenance to machinery, tools or premises you use to produce business income, as long as the expenses are not capital expenses. What you can claim You can claim the cost of allowable repairs and maintenance, including: painting; conditioning gutters; maintaining plumbing; repairing electrical appliances; mending leaks; replacing […]