Australian Cryptocurrency Investors Are Making An Average of $10,000
Despite all the ups and downs and huge swings in value, three quarters of Australians who have invested in cryptocurrency still managed to make a profit off their investment. In the past 12 months, Australians on average made over $10,000 in profit from their cryptocurrency investments. This amount is equivalent to almost two months of […]
How SMSF’S Can Buy And Sell Cryptocurrencies
Australians who are wanting to invest in cryptocurrencies for your SMSF will need a secure digital wallet. A digital wallet similar to a bank account in the crypto world. You will also need an account with a crypto exchange, the crypto equivalent of an online broking account. There are dozens of digital wallet providers, but […]
Tips For Developing A Retirement Savings Plan
By being more strategic it is possible for Australian citizens to make the most of their assets to enjoy a fulfilling retirement. There is no exact magic amount of money to indicate how much all of us need to safely retire. The important thing is that you understand the sort of retirement lifestyle you hope […]
Important Information About Self-Managed Super Funds

The popularity of self-managed super funds has continued to rise since the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008. The increasing lack of confidence in super fund managers in combination with the desire of wanting to be in control your own financial destiny has resulted in a huge rise in the number of Australians deciding to […]
Do The Assets In A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Vest In The Trustee?
With the continued rise of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (“SMSF”) bankruptcy trustees are frequently considering the effect bankruptcy has on the fund and if they have any interest in the fund. A bankrupt needs to be aware that they cannot sit back and do nothing in order to protect their SMSF. SMSF and Bankruptcy SMSF’s are […]
Increase in SMSF member numbers
In late April 2018, then federal minister for revenue and financial services Kelly O’Dwyer issued an announcement [1]declaring an expansion of the limit on the maximum number of members that are able to comprise a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). The raise – from four to six – was implemented by the then Turnbull Government so as to […]
Bitcoins and SMSFs
While bitcoin may be the most well-known cryptocurrency, there are nearly 1,500 in existence. In its simplest form, a cryptocurrency is a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, which means that the currency is not in a physical form like cash but sits in an electronic register. What makes bitcoin work, where previous attempts at electronic cash […]
Using a LRBA within a SMSF
An “integrity” measure, which aimed to stop Self managed superfunds (“SMSF”) trustees from manipulating their total superannuation balance in order to keep below the $1.6 million threshold, may have the unintended outcome of reducing the appeal of Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (“LRBA”). Legislated changes to LRBAs in regard to calculating an SMSF member’s total superannuation […]
Controlling your superannuation
How to Control Your Superannuation Most people want to take control of their superannuation. There are a few things you can do for making the most of your super. Minimise your super fees The first thing you can do is look at minimising your super fees. It is estimated that 20% of Australian’s pay more […]
Welcome to C&D Restructure
The team at C&D would like to welcome you to our website. Whilst the name is new the business remains the same. Lead by Craig Dangar, we continue to offer comprehensive support for our professional partners.