As a business advisor meeting with potential clients, our initial conversation, often referred to as the ‘preliminary chat’, is a crucial step in understanding your business needs and how we can assist you. This introductory discussion is an opportunity for us to learn about your business and for you to understand how our services can benefit you. Here’s what you can expect in this conversation and the kinds of questions we might ask.

1. Understanding Your Business

2. Identifying Your Goals and Challenges

3. Discussing Financial Health

4. Operations and Management

5. Market Position and Strategy

6. Future Plans and Aspirations

7. Understanding Your Expectations

8. Next Steps

The preliminary chat is an invaluable part of starting our advisory relationship. It’s a chance for us to understand your business, its challenges, and goals, and for you to gauge how we can help you navigate your business journey. This conversation lays the foundation for a tailored advisory approach designed to help your business grow and succeed.

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