If your company has incurred outstanding debts, your creditors have the option to serve a statutory demand against you. The statutory demand is a type of debt recovery tool that when served brings consequences for your business.

When served with a statutory demand, you must act quickly even as you take the necessary time to seek professional advice to explore your options.

Definition of statutory demand

A statutory demand is a written demand served by a creditor against a debtor, as defined in Section 459E of The Corporations Act 2001 (‘the Act’). Essentially it’s a way for the creditor to get the debtor to pay their outstanding debt. The statutory demand must satisfy certain criteria:

Is it really debt?

Sometimes there will be confusion whether the debt is really debt for the purposes of a valid statutory demand. Generally, if the goods or services have already been supplied, it will be a debt for the purposes of a statutory demand. Prospective liabilities or future debts that are not yet due or payable will not be considered debt for statutory demands.

How statutory demands are served

Statutory demands are not filed with a court. They only need to be served in the approved way, as outlined in Section 109X of the Act. The demand will have been served if it is posted to, delivered to, or left at the company’s registered address (which can be determined by looking up the ASIC database), or if it is delivered personally to a director of the company.

Acting quickly: your options if you are served a statutory demand

The most important thing to know if you are served a statutory demand is the need to act quickly. It’s advisable to obtain advice from insolvency experts to explore your options. Depending on the circumstances, you might have three courses of action:

Implications of ignoring a statutory demand

A fourth option is to ignore the statutory demand. If you choose to do so, your company will be presumed to be insolvent (Section 459C(2)) after 21 days of the statutory demand being served (Section 459F). This is irrespective of whether or not your accounts and records show you are actually solvent.

A presumption of insolvency means that the creditor can apply to the court to wind up your company (under 459P). If you subsequently receive a wind-up notice, it is even more critical to act quickly.

Grounds for setting aside statutory demand

Courts will set aside statutory demands in certain situations. These can be cases where the statutory demand is defective or where there is a genuine dispute about the debt’s existence or amount.

If you think you have good grounds to apply to have the statutory demand set aside, consult a qualified professional for advice immediately. By exploring your options and acting quickly, you might be able to apply to have the demand set aside.

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