Information is everything and working with you we strive to be as well informed as possible to make our advice meet your needs.

Your enquiry

Coming through to the website your first conversation will be with Tyler to understand about your business and how we can assist you. This scoping meeting will generally be an information gathering process and determine who will be the best fit to assist you.

During this meeting Tyler may ask some questions about your business, what are the pressures and what solutions you are looking for.

Our first meeting

This meeting will generally accompany a simple information request, this information request will ask some basic questions about your business, what is happening and how we can help. Prior to the meeting we will undertake company searches, PPSR searches and some general searches to understand what is happening.

The meeting will generally run for about 45 minutes to an hour and cover the basics, helping us understand you, and you understand us. Depending on how we can help we will either move to a rapid strategic planning meeting (if the conversation is about restructure) or a structured strategic planning meeting if you are looking for business advisory services.

Business Restructure

Following the first meeting we will follow up with a strategic planning meeting with usually 48 hours, in this time we will ask for a lot more information and will likely deep dive into your financial position. This strategic planning meeting will usually run for a few hours and will cover where you business is and what are the risks.

We will generally have a preliminary game plan for the restructure from here but during this meeting will firm it up.

Following this meeting we will have a timeline for review and implementation, depending upon the urgency of the issues in your business this may be accelerated.

Where we are engaging third party contractors, we will organise meetings with them as soon as practical to get the ball rolling.

A restructuring process will generally take several months from start to finish, we will work with you the entirety of the event.

Business Advisory

Following our first meeting we will provide some homework for you to do to understand more about your business and how we can help. As we are focusing on cash flow, viability and business improvement we will look at your numbers, and draw a picture of where your business is at.

Our strategic planning meeting will come a week after the information has been provided and we will focus on what you need from your business, from a financial, time or reducing the stress that you are facing in your business. We call these the three freedoms that business should bring.

Following this meeting we will design a structure for the future, managing how we will work with you, devising a business plan and then keeping you accountable after our first meetings.

Our General Process
From here

The chatbot is usually manned by Tyler, and our mobiles are on the website, feel free to reach out to us.

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