Consolidating your debts can be a huge help when it comes to maintaining control of your financial situation, and knowing when you’re in trouble is key to avoiding large debts and even bankruptcy.

What is debt consolidation?

Debt is part of any business. And while sometimes it’s easy to manage, other times having multiple debts can be a nightmare. Debt has the potential to put some companies out of business, as it’s much harder to get out of debt than it is getting into it.

Debt consolidation is the process of combining all loans into one so you can minimise expenses by reducing interest and fees, thereby ensuring your credit is easier to manage. Essentially, it means taking out a new loan, using the new loan to pay off the old debts, and then repaying the single lender.

Benefits of debt consolidation

Disadvantages to debt consolidation

What to consider when consolidating

Fixing your debt troubles isn’t as easy as simply consolidating, as there are a number of factors you need to consider when deciding whether this route is fit for your circumstances.

Affordability is a huge consideration. Will you be able to meet the requirements for debt consolidation? Remember there may be additional fees and charges you may have to pay to set the process going, especially if you have fixed rate loans.

Always compare your options. Look at the costs, interest rates and loan terms of several lenders before deciding who to approach. It’s essential that you understand exactly what you’re signing up for especially when it comes to interest rates and costs – if these aren’t lower than what you’re currently paying, consolidating may not be worth it.

Steps to take

Cut down

A debt consolidation loan seems like the perfect solution to a debt problem. But remember, it may not suit all business circumstances and it may not be the right answer for you.

And if you do choose to consolidate, it’s just as important to cut down on your expenditure to ensure you don’t end up in the same bind down the track.

More information? To find out more, give us a call on 1300 023 782 or email

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