The ATO says it can provide tailored technical assistance for SMSF trustees in some circumstances, orally or in writing, depending on the nature and complexity of their query.

For example, you may need to seek tailored technical assistance if:

If the contentious issue at hand is about how the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 apply to a specific transaction or arrangement for an existing SMSF, you can apply to the ATO for advice to deal with that specific issue.

The ATO says it can provide specific advice about the following topics:

The ATO is at pains to point out that it cannot provide financial advice, and also says it will not provide specific advice if the request relates to the complying status of an SMSF, trustee covenants, or the residency status of an SMSF (but the trustee can apply for a private ruling, as this is a tax issue).

The form

There is a particular form that the ATO requires if you want specific advice about how the super law applies to a particular transaction or arrangement for an SMSF.

You can download this form in PDF format – see Request for self-managed superannuation fund specific advice(NAT 72441, 109KB).

Apart from requiring the use of the above form, the ATO also specifies that it will only provide SMSF specific advice if sufficient details have been provided (and that its decision to decline providing such advice does not have formal review rights).

Required information or documents

The ATO requires particular details if it is being asked to provide advice on the acquisition of assets, or about business real property, or regarding in-house assets.

Acquisition of an asset: If you need the ATO to determine whether the acquisition of an asset by the SMSF is prohibited by the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA), or whether it meets one of the exceptions, the ATO will need to be provided with:

Business real property: If you want the ATO to determine whether property meets the definition of “business real property” for the purposes of SISA, the ATO will need:

In-house assets: If you require the ATO to determine whether an investment, loan or lease (whether proposed or not) would meet the definition of an “in-house asset” for the purposes of SISA (and whether or not a contravention of the in-house assets rules has occurred), provide it with:

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