Launch of our video platform

We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]

Debtors and collections

How do you control your debtors? A debtor is a party (either an individual or a company) who owes money to another party. Controlling your debtors will help your business get paid faster and avoid debt, which will also help you maintain a good cash flow. There are different methods you can utilise to ensure […]

Cash-Flow Management and the Health of a Business

Here at C&D we deal with businesses of all shapes and sizes. Many of the issues these businesses face can come down to one crucial facet within their operation: cash flow management. If you are a start-up, we understand the excitement involved with getting your business up and running and growing your sales. You are […]

GST for property developers

When it comes to property developing, GST considerations are almost always present. The GST rules require you to register for GST if your annual turnover in the past twelve months or projected annual turnover in the next twelve months exceeds $75,000 at any point in time. Furthermore, you may want to voluntarily register so that […]

New GST Rules for Property Developers From 1 July 2018, a Goods and Services Tax (“GST“) withholding obligation will be imposed on purchaser of certain residential premises, including certain vacant land. Purchaser must withhold the ‘GST component’ of the sale price of affected land and pay it directly to the Commissioner instead of the seller. Transitional rules may apply for […]

Welcome to C&D Restructure

The team at C&D would like to welcome you to our website. Whilst the name is new the business remains the same. Lead by Craig Dangar, we continue to offer comprehensive support for our professional partners.