Tax in the sharing economy
Have you ever let a room on the popular accommodation site Airbnb? Ever shared a ride with pseudo taxi service Uber? If you participate in what’s now called the “sharing economy”, you may have some tax to pay. The Tax Office says the sharing economy is a new way of “connecting buyers (‘users’) with sellers […]
Amending a BAS

Once we have lodged your latest activity statement, you may realise that something has been left out or you have neglected to include a particular item. The Australian tax system is based on “self assessment”, which means the ATO generally takes your word, under our guidance, and bases its assessment on the information it has […]
Bitcoins and SMSFs
While bitcoin may be the most well-known cryptocurrency, there are nearly 1,500 in existence. In its simplest form, a cryptocurrency is a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, which means that the currency is not in a physical form like cash but sits in an electronic register. What makes bitcoin work, where previous attempts at electronic cash […]
Tax and Airbnb

Airbnb is one of many examples of the “sharing economy” — connecting buyers (users) and sellers (providers) through a facilitator that usually operates an app or a website. Airbnb acts as this facilitator by allowing individuals, referred to as “hosts”, to rent out a room of their house or their whole house for a short-time […]
Can the ATO wind me up?
Unpaid tax debts can lead to serious consequences for businesses that are having problems keeping up with their tax debt. When it comes to enforcing debt, the ATO has a number of options, including pursuing wind-up proceedings in court. While the ATO will not pursue the wind-up course of action if a company has repaid its […]
Launch of our video platform
We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]
Issues for Property Owners

Because property ownership is such an important issue for many people, we want to remind everyone of some recent changes to: The tax treatment associated with residential rental properties (e.g. travel deduction and depreciation changes); Withholding tax obligations on purchasers of property: 12.5% CGT withholding on the sale of any property for $750,000 or more […]
GST for property developers
When it comes to property developing, GST considerations are almost always present. The GST rules require you to register for GST if your annual turnover in the past twelve months or projected annual turnover in the next twelve months exceeds $75,000 at any point in time. Furthermore, you may want to voluntarily register so that […]
Cash v Accruals
Goods and Services Tax (“GST“) is calculated as the GST owed to the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO“) by the business (GST collected on sales made) less GST owed by the ATO to the business (GST paid on purchases made). The ATO gives small business owners the option of reporting GST on a cash basis if […]
GST on eBay
As of 1 July 2018, Australian goods and services tax (“GST“) will apply to sales of low value goods imported by consumers into Australia. Craig notes that the consequence of this will a significant administrative burden for small operators but this can be managed effectively through a good bookkeeping arrangement. Businesses that meet the registration threshold […]