Pubs in The Age of Covid-19

Pubs across Australia have been faced with many challenges during the covid-19 pandemic, as they try to remain profitable and abide by the governments social distancing rules.   Data from Australian Bureau of Statistics illustrates that more than a third of Australian’s working in accommodation and food services lost work between March and April 2020. The […]

Launch of our video platform

We have recently been working through a range of education and information videos to support our partners or to give you some understanding of the issues that arise in the management of taxation or restructure issues. Understanding that some of the issues that arise are complicated and need further explanation, each video tries to cover […]

Making sure you get paid

For your business to survive, you need to have cash flow. This means that it is essential that you get paid by your clients for the work that you do. There are strategies you can use to give you the best chance of making sure you get paid. Written contract setting out terms Having a […]

Understanding the PPSR

Setting up your registrations On the Personal Property and Securities Register (‘PPSR’), you can place a notice that shows that you have enforcement rights over personal property. You should have a security agreement in writing before you register a security interest on the PPSR. Before you register your security interest you will need to know […]

Preparing for liquidation

Liquidation Liquidation is the process of winding up a company and bringing the business to an end. Liquidation typically occurs when a company is insolvent. When a company is placed into liquidation, a liquidator is appointed. The liquidator’s role is to protect the assets of the company, realise the assets of the company, investigate the […]

Basics of the PPSR

What is the PPSR? The Australian Financial Security Authority (“AFSA“) administers the Personal Property Securities Register (“PPSR“). The PPSR is a national online register that can provide information to help protect consumers when they are buying personal property such as cars, boats or artworks. It doesn’t include land or buildings. The PPSR is an Australian […]

Cash-Flow Management and the Health of a Business

Here at C&D we deal with businesses of all shapes and sizes. Many of the issues these businesses face can come down to one crucial facet within their operation: cash flow management. If you are a start-up, we understand the excitement involved with getting your business up and running and growing your sales. You are […]

Pre-Christmas Planning

Each year the team notices an uptick in businesses suffering financial difficulties prior to the Christmas break. For some businesses there is an attempt to hold on, to try and see if the new year will bring the necessary change to be able to break a financial problem. If your business is under pressure, now (and […]

Using your super for business

Can I borrow against my Super to buy or support my business? Unfortunately the answer is probably ‘No’. Super funds pay a discounted/concessional rate of tax on earnings (15%). To keep getting the discounted rate they have to comply with Superannuation legislation. One of the rules is that the ‘sole purpose’ for the fund is […]

C&D Pub Consulting

Are you a hotel operator looking for a different view of what your options are and how you can improve your business. Our team has run over 90 licensed venues over their career focusing on high level turnaround and either packaging for sale or bringing in long term management. Where you partner with us our […]