Superannuation Changes Announced In The 2021 Budget
This years Federal Budget consisted of a large number of significant changes being made to superannuation. If they are successfully passed by Federal Parliament, these changes are set to apply from the 1st July 2022 after the date they receive Royal Asset. 50 Percent Reduction In Minimum Pension Extended To 30th June 2022 Although this […]
One in Seven Australian Employees To Pay For Higher Super With Reduced Wages
More than one in seven employees across Australia have been informed that their extra superannuation payments will be deducted from their wages. This worrying figure, which occurs weeks after the superannuation guarantee (SG) increased from 9.5 to 10 percent of wages, has led to lawyers reminding Australians that most workers are legally allowed to receive […]
Tips For Developing A Retirement Savings Plan
By being more strategic it is possible for Australian citizens to make the most of their assets to enjoy a fulfilling retirement. There is no exact magic amount of money to indicate how much all of us need to safely retire. The important thing is that you understand the sort of retirement lifestyle you hope […]
Important Information About The Superannuation Guarantee (SG)
For Australian workers the most common type of contribution regularly going into your super account is likely to be the Superannuation Guarantee – or SG for short – which is the contribution your employer is required to make into a super fund on your behalf. The SG is part of the remuneration you receive from […]
Millions of Australian Workers Set To Benefit From Increased Superannuation Payments
Millions of Australians are set to benefit from an increase to superannuation payments which came into effect on Thursday 1st July. The superannuation guarantee (SG) has been bumped up from 9.5 percent to 10 percent. This means workers set to receive more pay towards their retirement nest eggs. Industry Super Australia (ISA) says 6.7 million […]
Important Information About Tax Cuts And Super Changes Introduced on 1st July 2021
Tax relief for workers and businesses, higher superannuation payments and housing assistance for first home buyers are just some of the changes set to occur at the start of the new financial year on Thursday 1st July, as a number of measures from the 2021 federal budget come into effect. Arguably the most significant change […]
Important Information About Self-Managed Super Funds

The popularity of self-managed super funds has continued to rise since the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008. The increasing lack of confidence in super fund managers in combination with the desire of wanting to be in control your own financial destiny has resulted in a huge rise in the number of Australians deciding to […]
Federal Government Announces Superannuation Boost For 300,000 Australian Workers
As part of the 2021 Federal Budget, The Australian Government has announced that businesses part-time and casual employees will now have to pay for their superannuation as the government discontinues the $450 minimum income threshold. Under the current rates, employees earning under $450 a month are not required to be paid the superannuation guarantee by […]
The Australian Government Removes Work Test for Voluntary Superannuation Contributions

The Australian Government has announced that older Australians in SMSFs will be able to contribute earnings or savings directly into superannuation funds with the repeal of the “work test”. As part of the May 2021 Federal Budget, new changes will enable individuals aged between 67 to 74 years to make or receive non-concessional including under […]
Some of the Best Ways to Use Your Tax Refund
The money you are refunded as a result of your tax return could be used as an opportunity to eliminate debt, increase your savings or do something ‘long-term’ to support your children. Here are some tips to better utilise the money you get from your tax refund as opposed to going straight to the shops […]