CGT on developing the family home

Understanding the taxation consequences of splitting the family home land or starting a development.

Getting advice around this is important and makes sure you do not lose concessions.

What the Election Means for Business

In my experience the next two months will be tough for small retailers and hospitality businesses as the uncertainty that the election process brings will make it harder to get customers to spend.

10 ideas to help your business

If your business is struggling, you may not know the best way to fix the problem without some help. We’ve put together 10 ways that you may be able to use to turn your struggling business around. If you aren’t sure where to start, contact us and speak with the experts.

Documents to wind up a business

Winding up a business is different to merely ceasing trade. While the latter means that you’re effectively stopping business, you still have to abide by a handful of obligations and fees while the business remains registered. The de-registration process is long and involved, and can take months to take from start to finish. Creditors have […]

Tax of Insurance Premiums

As a general guideline, the ATO will allow a deduction for certain insurance premiums if it can be shown that the insurance cover relates to earning assessable income. In other words, life insurance, trauma insurance or critical care insurance are generally out. Income protection insurance is one example of the kind of cover that may provide an allowable […]

Self Education Expenses

The value of a good education is widely accepted, and it is a common experience over one’s working lifetime to find that further learning is required along the path of one’s chosen career. Changing technology and evolving workplaces means that at some stage in every taxpayer’s life, an educational re-boot could become necessary — as […]

Taxable Payment Annual Reports

If your business primarily operates in the Building and Construction Industry, and makes payments to contractors, you are required to complete and lodge a “Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR)’ with the Australian Taxation Office each year. Businesses primarily in the building and construction industry need to report to the ATO the total payments they make […]

ATO Targets

Small business owners. Rogue tax practitioners. Uninformed taxpayers. Rental property owners. Such taxpayers have long managed to avoid consequence for partially-correct tax returns. Finally, it seems the Australian government has acknowledged the extent to which individuals are undermining its principal revenue collection agency – the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Fresh off a funding windfall from the […]