372,000 Australian Businesses Were On JobKeeper When It Ended Last Month

Right up until it’s completion on Sunday 28th March, JobKeeper remained to be a critical economic lifeline for 372,000 Australian businesses. New research shows that almost a quarter of Melbourne based businesses were dependent on help from the scheme during its final phase. Businesses in regional parts of the country fared better than those in […]

Australian Businesses in a World after JobKeeper

Business owners, insolvency experts and bureaucrats are cautiously awaiting to see how the end of JobKeeper is going to impact the Australian economy over the coming weeks. Insolvency laws were introduced during the peak of the covid-19 lockdown to protect businesses. On top of this the $90 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme made it possible […]

Hospitality Venues in Brisbane Endure First Lockdown Post JobKeeper

Restaurants, cafes and other hospitality establishments located in Brisbane are expecting to take a massive hit as the city enters Australia’s first covid-19 lockdown since the end of JobKeeper. Under the new lockdown rules, hospitality venues are only able to serve take-away or home delivery options to their customers. Non-essential businesses such as; gyms, cinemas, […]

Insolvencies Increased by 61% In February 2021

Last month saw the number of insolvencies in Australia rise by 61%. The official statistics released by CreditorWatch indicate that insolvencies increased from 254 external administrations at the start of February to 408 administrations by the end of February 2021. With JobKeeper set to end on 28th March 2021, it is anticipated that the number […]