Business Advice For Australians Wanting To Become A Sole Trader

If you are someone who has a great idea or an original product and a clear idea about who your customers will be and want they want then you might have the potential to be a successful sole trader. It is important to be aware of the fact that 60 percent of small businesses fail […]

The ATO Has Lost “JobKeeper Test Case” In the Full Federal Court

Jeremy Apted, an Australian sole trader has been granted access to JobKeeper following the Full Federal Court unanimously ruled that the Australian Tax Office was incorrect in its decision to not grant his business more time to establish it’s eligibility. This case which is referred to as “The JobKeeper test case” was centred around whether […]

Accounting Advice for Recently Appointed Barristers

Congratulations on your recent appointment, if you have recently been appointed as a barrister, from a business structure perspective you will be operating as a sole trader. You will therefore need to apply to obtain an ABN (Australian Business Number). During your time spent in previous roles of employment you have been operating as a […]

Self-Employment and Bankruptcy

Sole Proprietorship businesses (also known as “Sole Traders”) are the simplest and cheapest business structure to create in order to operate a business and that makes them a popular choice for business owners looking for flexibility in operations, management and exit. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data shows that Sole Traders account for approximately […]

Distinct Lack of COVID-19 Support for Sole Traders

Distinct Lack of COVID-19 Support for Sole Traders Grants to keep small businesses operating amid COVID-19 restrictions have been welcomed, but concerns remain about how the $17.6 billion stimulus package might help Australia’s 1.5 million sole traders. So far there has been a distinct lack of support available to sole traders, as most stimulus measures […]